
A lightweight, offline, mesh-networked communication platform.

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What is Mishmesh?

Mishmesh is a lightweight, offline, mesh-enabled communication platform designed to facilitate communication in regions with little to no infrastructure. Originally designed for use by displaced peoples, for example Jordanian Refugee camps, Mishmesh can take many forms. It is intended to have it's shell and features redesigned each time it is deployed. This allows for cultural specificity in both form and function, encouraging user adoption.

Use Case: Displaced Peoples

According to the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), over two-thirds of Refugees in the researched areas are active smartphone users, and access to a smartphone is almost universal. Access to the internet, however, is more dubious and difficult, as in some locations only one in three people have been able to successfully reach services that could improve their quality of life. Reliable access to communication and services are integral to a community's ability to advocate for, and improve their situation. Having a scalable local mesh network that allows users to communicate has an incredible amount of use cases. A major caveat to this project is that because of ethical concerns, no refugees were involved with the design or user testing for this device. The next step for this project is to plan a pilot program for iteration in real world use. The goal will always be to design directly with the end user, instead of for them.

  • Lightweight - The system will need to potentially be carried 12+ hours a day. Every ounce counts. While the initial prototype is designed to be reproduceable by anyone, a dedicated board could allow for trimming of excess weight.

  • Scalable - A caravan can range from the hundreds to the thousands. Kutupalong became the largest refugee camp in the world in 2017 with 800,000 people arriving. The purpose of this system is to allow for a high degree of flexibility in implementation. Allowing specific focus on each unique circumstance, as no crisis is the same.

  • Accessible - According to the GSMA, affordability, both digital and reading literacy, and charging are the largest barriers to effective mobile usage. As a result, the system needs to focus on allowing multiple forms of communication, like speech and text, and utilize iconography that does not rely on language. A WIFI-enabled phone is all that is needed to access the system.

  • Self-Healing - If any individual access or routing point goes down, the network is capable of continuing to function without any external action. This can allow for a more reliable spread of access over a greater area.

  • Secure Communication - End-to-End encryption and a lack of message logs ensures safety and anonymity for at-risk populations.

Mishmesh device glow


Another element of the project is building trust with your userbase. The enclosure was designed to mimic an Apricot (Mishmish in Colloquial Arabic) that glows softly.

This "Ambassador Device" would be used while the system is being explained to the user. In reality, we likely want to hide these devices to avoid theft, damage, or other issues. The system is very small and thus could be fit into a much smaller enclosure.

Version 2

A second version of the prototype built with an old Pixel 3 Android phone as the core computer.

This enclosure is larger, softer, and can house more technology to expand capabilities, like additional storage and LoRaWAN hardware.

Mishmesh power generation

Power Generation

One of the major hurdles displaced populations face is how to charge their own electronics, let alone a new device. The Mishmesh battery allows us to tap into renewable energy generation.

The power sources tested with the prototype were wind, solar, and a custom built innersole. The initial design of the innersole was a proof of concept, with the second iteration focusing on comfort, durability, and maximizing energy output. The innersole is designed for long range mobile use, as roughly an hour of walking equates to an hour of use time.

While it doesn't generate enough energy to power the device solely, it can help in combination with solar and/or wind to offset the energy requirements.


  • Raspberry Pi 4b
  • Storage- SDXC card 256 GB
  • Mesh Point Capable Antenna
  • Sugar Pi 2 Battery
  • 3D Printed Enclosure
  • Laser cut acrylic base
  • Neo-Pixel Jewel

Mishmesh components

What's Next?

The next step is funding and implementation. There are always people who could benefit from technologies like this, but finding the right conditions for improvement before addressing at-risk populations is always tricky. The hardware needs to be stress tested and the specific software solutions built more robustly.

If you're interested in talking about how this was built, want to see it implemented or just want to chat, please reach out at the email below.
